Supari & Mouth Freshners

Scented Supari is a scented soft bitternut and known for its refreshing & cool taste and flavor. It tastes just like a Sweet Pan the betel nut (Supari) tree, it is planted in Bengal, Mysore, Sri Lanka etc. Its yield considered being very good in Sri Lanka. The betel (Piper betel) is the leaf of a vine belonging to the Piperaceae family, which includes pepper and kava. It is valued both as a mild stimulant and for its medicinal properties. Betel leaf is mostly consumed in Asia and elsewhere in the world by some Asian emigrants, as betel quid or in pan, with or without tobacco with adverse health effects. Betel is notable for staining the teeth of regular users. It is found in various places and its yield is different due to changed climate.

Betel nut chewing has been practiced by natives in various countries since times. So keeping in mind its demand manufacturer utilizing supari as a raw material for making various chewing material as Supari, Pan Chap guava, Pan Masala, sweet supari, scented supari etc. People chew it for stress reduction, feelings of well-being, and heightened awareness. It contains three major alkaloids: arccosine, pilocarpine, and muscarinic. It is used to refresh the mouth. It freshens up mouth and breathes with its flavor.

The areca nut is the fruit of the areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows in much of the tropical Pacific (Melanesia and Micronesia), Southeast and South Asia, and parts of east Africa. It is commonly referred to as betel nut so it is easily confused with betel (Piper betle) leaves that are often used to wrap it (pan). The term areca originated from the Kannada word dike (and dates from the 16th century, when Dutch and Portuguese sailors took the nut from Kerala to Europe. Consumption has many harmful effects on health and is carcinogenic to humans. Various compounds present in the nut, including arecoline (the primary psychoactive ingredient which is similar to nicotine), contribute to histologic changes in the oral mucosa. It is known to be a major risk factor for cancers (squamous cell carcinoma) of the mouth and esophagus. As with chewing tobacco, its use is discouraged by preventive efforts. Consumption by hundreds of millions of people worldwide – mainly with southern and eastern Asian origins – has been described as a neglected global public health emergency. Uses The areca nut is the fruit of the areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows in much of the tropical Pacific (Melanesia and Micronesia), Southeast and South Asia, and parts of east Africa. It is commonly referred to as betel nut so it is easily confused with betel as with chewing tobacco, its use is discouraged by preventive efforts. It is used to refresh the mouth. It freshens up mouth and breathes with its flavor. It is chewed by all age group people. It is served to guests after lunch and dinner to keep mouth fresh. It helps in digestion of food after meals. It is served in marriages, parties or any other special occasions. It is a direct substitute of pan, pan masala etc. Widely used in religious and social functions.